Welcome to episode 41 of EU Watchdog Radio. In this episode, we talk with Dutch MEP Paul Tang and Corporate Europe Observatory’s Big Tech researcher Bram Vranken about our new website LobbyLeaks.eu.
LobbyLeaks.eu was launched by CEO and Lobby Control with the support of several cross-party MEPs. It is a new hotline for anonymous tip-offs about lobbying - specifically focused on issues around Big Tech.
Using LobbyLeaks.eu, we want to expose lobbying campaigns and tactics which either breach the EU transparency register’s code of conduct or are considered to be an unregulated form of lobbying. There is a guarantee of complete anonymity for all tip-offs.
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This podcast is produced by CEO and Counter Balance. Both NGOs raise awareness on the importance of good governance in the EU by researching issues like lobbying of large and powerful industries, corporate capture of decision making, corruption, fraud, human rights violations in areas like Big Tech, agro-business, biotech and chemical companies, the financial sector and public investment banks, trade, energy and climate, scientific research and much more…
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