Today, together with 13 NGO’s we sent a letter to the European Investment Bank (EIB) asking them not to support the expansion of the airport in Nice. This project is completely opposite to what the EIB is aiming to become, namely the EU Climate Bank.
The original letter is in French, here is a short synopsis in English:
The EIB is planning to grant a loan of €100 million to Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur (ACA) to expand the Terminal 2 at the airport in Nice. We ask the EIB not to finance this project because it is not in line with the EIB’s desire to become the EU Climate Bank.
In the attached letter, signed by 13 NGO’s (Counter Balance, Transport & Environment, Climate Action Network, Greenpeace France, FNAUT, Friends of the Earth France, France Nature Environnement, France Nature Environnement PACA, France Nature Environnement Alpes-Maritimes, Urgewald, Alofa Tuvalu, Collectif citoyen 06, Carre 06), you will find detailed reasons as to why we are sending this request.