Climate Justice • 07 Dec 2023
Webinar | EU external investments: geopolitical competition or fair partnerships? – 9 January 14:00 CET
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Date and time: Tuesday 9 January 2024, 14:00 CET
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As a global actor, Europe puts emphasis on values like human rights, democracy, international rules and a just transition that leaves no one behind. But when it invests European money abroad, the EU often ignores its own standards. Development money is being used to promote domestic European commercial interests and to secure resources to cater to the EU’s unsustainable market demand. Geopolitical competition and the refusal to give the Global South an equal decision-making role makes promises of 'equal partnerships' look empty. An obsessive focus on commercial interests reinforces a climate agenda which does not prioritise key prerequisites for a just transition in Europe and globally, such as quality public services to meet the needs of the people.
While the world is facing multiple collective environmental and social crises which disproportionately impact the Global South, Europe must decide if it wants to further undermine its credibility or embrace global cooperation along just economic principles, a genuinely ecological economic model and rights for all.
- Alison Tate, Director of Economic and Social Policy at International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
- Dries Merre, Advisor to Caroline Gennez, Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and of Major Cities
- David Ringrose, Head of Division, Connectivity and Digital Transition, European External Action Service (EEAS)
- Bruna Cañada, Researcher at Debt Observatory in Globalisation (ODG)
Moderator: Alexandra Gerasimčiková, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Counter Balance
This webinar is organised by Counter Balance within the “Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing” project, financed by European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).