Development & Human Rights • 05 Aug 2021
Counter Balance submits its contribution to the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
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The European Investment Bank (EIB) is currently revising its Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (EESF), covering a variety of topics such as public participation, rights of indigenous people and biodiversity protection.
This review is a key moment for the EIB to prove that it can be a leader with regards to how it deals with the environmental, social and human rights impacts of its operations. So far, this is a missed opportunity.
Despite its declared commitments to step up the positive impact of its operations, the draft proposed by the EIB is highly disappointing. As part of its public consultation, we submitted our recommendations for the bank to substantially improve its framework so that it can become a more responsible lender and truly contribute to an environmentally and socially just transition.
You can find our key demands below: