Development & Human Rights • 03 Apr 2014
NGO letter urges the EIB to make Mopani/Glencore report public
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Counter Balance in coordination with ten other NGOs has written a letter to the EIB's president, Werner Hoyer, to express our grave concern about the secrecy surrounding the Bank’s investigation of tax evasion and avoidance allegations against Mopani Copper Mines plc, a Zambian company, which is largely owned by GlencoreXstrata. The investigation was announced by the bank in 2011 but despite a complaint by Christian Aid the related report has still not been made public. We cannot conceive of anything that would justify such secrecy and we therefore urge the Bank to reveal the truth by publishing the above mentioned report as a matter of urgency. Download the full letter below.
The signatories to the letter are:
- Alliance Sud
- Christian Aid
- Counter Balance
- Déclaration de Bern
- Eurodad
- Les Amis de la Terre
- Global Alliance for Tax Justice
- Oxfam International
- Sherpa
- Tax Justice Network - Africa